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Our team are ready to walk you through our R&D Advance Funding service
R&D Advance Funding
Boost cash flow with an advance on your next R&D tax credit claim.
Don’t wait for HMRC to pay out your R&D tax credit claim. If you’re eligible for the R&D Tax Credit Scheme and need a short-term cash injection, we could provide you with an advance – just pay it back when you receive your claim.
How R&D Advance Funding works
Whether you are looking to submit your first R&D Tax Credit claim or have been taking advantage of the scheme for years, it is likely that we will be able to offer you an advance on your claim.
Unsure if you are eligible to claim R&D Tax Credits? Try out our eligibility checker.

Benefits of an advance loan on your R&D tax credit
R&D advance funding reduces strain on cash flow
Can be applied for at any point in the year
Receive funds in a matter of weeks
Short term solution and acts as an alternative to equity loans and investors
It bridges finance between innovation cycles
All in four easy steps...
Step 2 - Due diligence and eligibility checks
We'll then carry out a number of tasks with our partner to check that your business meets the criteria for this financing option. If all parties are happy to proceed, your application can be submitted.
Step 3 - Offer provided
You'll then receive a loan offer and terms from our partner.
Step 4 - Cash received
If you choose to take out the loan against your R&D tax credits, you should receive your cash in a matter of weeks.

Have any questions?
Sometimes it’s just easier to have a chat. We can help you find the best solution in the quickest possible way. Leave your details below for a callback or use our live chat feature now – bottom right of your screen.