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Blog: 2024 Election: Key Manifesto Insights for Tech Leaders

Technology was once an afterthought in the manifestos of the major British political parties; however, this is no longer the case. Each party discusses in detail topics such as AI, data centres, cybersecurity, and even deepfakes in their 2024 manifestos. Below is a summary of what each party had to say in their retrospective manifestos:


Labour Party

Research & Development and Investment

  1. Long-term R&D Funding: Labour proposes ending short-term funding cycles and implementing ten-year budgets for R&D institutions, aiming to establish stable and sustained innovation partnerships between academia and industry. This approach is intended to keep the UK at the forefront of global innovation in various sectors.
  2. National Wealth Fund: The manifesto outlines the creation of a National Wealth Fund with a focus on strategic investment in critical sectors like clean energy, automotive, and steel. This fund aims to generate economic growth and job creation across different regions of the UK.
  3. Infrastructure and Strategic Investments: Significant investment is planned in infrastructure, including transport, digital networks, and energy systems, to modernize the UK’s foundational services and promote economic growth. This includes specific investments in ports, hydrogen technology, and carbon capture to support the clean energy transition.
  4. Supporting Business and Innovation through Investment: Labour’s investment strategy involves public investment to de-risk additional private sector investments, which is seen as crucial for stimulating growth and innovation across the economy.


  1. Support for AI Sector Development: Enhancing the AI sector by removing barriers to new data centres and creating a National Data Library. This initiative is designed to enhance public services through better data management while ensuring robust data protection and security measures.
  2. Regulatory Innovation: Establishment of a Regulatory Innovation Office to streamline regulation and foster the rapid development and safe deployment of new technologies like AI. This includes specific measures to regulate the development of powerful AI models and prevent the creation of harmful deepfakes.


  1. Skills Development Linked with Immigration: Labour proposes to integrate skills development more closely with immigration policy, ensuring that the training of domestic workers aligns with national economic needs and reduces reliance on foreign labour.
  2. Youth Guarantee for Skills and Employment: The party promises a comprehensive guarantee for young people aged 18-21, ensuring access to training, apprenticeships, or employment support, aiming to tackle the issue of youth unemployment and underemployment effectively.


  1. Strengthening Cybersecurity Defences: In response to the increasing threat of cyber-attacks, Labour intends to conduct a Strategic Defence Review that includes enhancing cybersecurity measures. The party plans to implement stronger legal frameworks to counter online extremism and radicalization, while also boosting the capabilities of police and intelligence services to tackle cyber threats and terrorism.

Full Labour Manifesto



  1. Global Leadership in AI: The Conservative Manifesto emphasises the UK’s role in leading global efforts on AI safety and its potential to revolutionise industries just as pivotal technologies did in previous centuries. The UK is posited as a frontrunner due to its robust AI research and development ecosystem.

Research & Development and Investment

  1. Increased Public R&D Spending: The manifesto commits to increasing public spending on R&D to £22 billion annually, maintaining strong tax reliefs for R&D, and investing over £1.5 billion in large-scale computing resources to advance AI and other research areas.
  2. Strategic Manufacturing Investments: There is a planned £4.5 billion investment in critical manufacturing sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and clean energy, which includes supporting innovation through initiatives like Catapult centres.
  3. Infrastructure Development: Investment in digital, transport, and energy infrastructure is highlighted as essential for business growth, with specific commitments to improve the digital infrastructure across the UK, and re-allocating funds from the HS2 project to other transport improvements.
  4. Facilitating Business Innovation: The manifesto outlines support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through various measures such as easing the burden of business rates, improving access to finance, and promoting digital invoicing and prompt payments.


  1. Apprenticeships and Technical Education: There is a strong emphasis on increasing the number and quality of apprenticeships, integrating more robust technical education offerings, and ensuring young people are aware of all available pathways, not just university degrees.
  2. Mandatory National Service: Introducing mandatory national service for all school leavers to provide them with life skills and strengthen national unity, with options for civic or military roles.



  1. National Security and Cyber Defences: The manifesto pledges to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030, enhancing cybersecurity defences as part of a broader national security strategy. It emphasises the need to protect against a range of threats, including cyber-attacks.
  2. Strengthening Cyber Defences: Specific commitments include boosting the resilience of the UK to cyber threats as part of an overall increase in funding for defence and security measures.

Full Conservative Manifesto

Liberal Democrats


  1. AI Innovation and Regulation: The manifesto focuses on innovation in artificial intelligence as a part of the UK’s strategic development in technology. It supports the creation of a regulatory framework that promotes innovation while ensuring AI systems are transparent, unbiased, and respectful of privacy. This includes integrating AI in various sectors responsibly and promoting digital literacy across the population.

Research & Development and Investment

  1. Investment in R&D: Increase the investment in research and development, aiming for at least 3% of GDP by 2030, rising to 3.5% by 2034. This includes support for science, research, and innovation, particularly in environmental and medical technologies.
  2. Strategic Manufacturing and Infrastructure Investments: A significant investment of £4.5 billion is planned in manufacturing sectors critical for the transition to a clean energy economy. This also includes funding for infrastructure that supports economic growth and the development of sustainable industries.
  3. Green Infrastructure: Renewable energy and zero-carbon transport, with the government playing a central role in coordinating and facilitating these investments to ensure they lead to long-term sustainable growth.


  1. Lifelong Learning and Skills Development: The manifesto promotes lifelong learning through initiatives like Lifelong Skills Grants and emphasises training in critical areas such as renewable energy technologies and digital skills to ensure the workforce is prepared for future industry needs.
  2. Empowerment through Education: It focuses on enhancing the education system to provide the necessary skills for a modern economy, including increased funding for apprenticeships and better integration of career advice within the educational framework.



  1. Enhanced Cyber Defences: While the manifesto does not detail specific cybersecurity policies, the emphasis on regulating digital spaces and enhancing digital literacy suggests a broader approach to securing personal data and protecting citizens in the digital age. The development of a regulatory framework for AI and technology also implies measures that would enhance cybersecurity defences as part of ensuring technology is safely integrated into society.

Full Liberal Democrats Manifesto

Green Party


  1. AI Development: The manifesto highlights AI as part of a broader focus on technology and innovation, especially in sectors like energy and transport. There’s a commitment to ethical AI development, ensuring that AI technology aligns with environmental sustainability and social well-being.

Research & Development and Investment

  1.  R&D in Green Technologies: The manifesto pledges significant investment in research and development, particularly in green technologies. This includes energy storage, renewable energy sources, and sustainable agricultural practices.
  2. Investment in Infrastructure: There is a strong emphasis on investing in infrastructure that supports a green economy, such as renewable energy facilities, energy-efficient buildings, and sustainable public transport systems.
  3. Green Investment Bank: Plans to reinstate the Green Investment Bank to fund green initiatives and technologies across the UK, focusing on both public and private sector projects to drive environmental innovation and sustainability.


  1. Training and Education: The manifesto proposes substantial investment in education and training to equip people with the skills needed for new green jobs, including retrofitting buildings, renewable energy installation, and sustainable agriculture.
  2. Green Apprenticeships: Introduction of green apprenticeships to prepare the workforce for the transition to a green economy, ensuring that new jobs in the green sector are accessible to all segments of society.



  1. Digital Infrastructure Security: While specific cybersecurity measures are not detailed, the manifesto includes investments in digital infrastructure that would inherently include enhancements to cybersecurity, especially in critical sectors like energy and public services.
  2. Regulation of Technology: There is a focus on regulating emerging technologies to ensure they are used safely and ethically, which implies a commitment to secure digital developments and protect against cyber threats.

Full Green Party Manifesto